Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 in review

Looking back at 2010, I'd really like to just post the happy things that happened, but they're so intertwined with the sad things that happened, that it wouldn't make sense to post the good without the bad.

So I'll do a quick wrap-up of 2010 (with links to blog posts and/or pictures), and then post some New Years resolutions.

January - Jason was laid off and then we got a surprise of a positive pregnancy test, after 2 years of trying. However, four days later we miscarried; what an emotional roller-coaster. The encouraging thing was that we finally got a positive pregnancy test!

February - Jason ended up going back to his old job for a few weeks and the extra money was very welcomed. We celebrated 2 years of marriage in Pittsburgh at a wonderful little Bed & Breakfast. Right before we went on our trip we found out we were pregnant again!

March - Then Jason got a 2-week assignment with the Census Bureau. After his project was over, they failed to find more work from him, so we started budgeting around his unemployment. About 9 weeks along in the pregnancy we found out we had lost the baby. It was an emotional time with Easter right around the corner.

April - The recovery from the loss of the baby took some time and we started thinking about going to Honduras with our church in June. (My 5th trip, Jason's 2nd.) Also, my work put me on a project that took me to Cincinnati 3-4 days a week for several months. I hated being away from Jason, but the extra money was welcomed.

May - We started fund raising for Honduras (mostly cakes and Jason doing odd jobs). We also went to visit Mom & Gary at the Pisgah National Forest in North Carolina over Memorial Day weekend. They were volunteering at the  Cradle of Forestry for 13 weeks. We tented on their RV site and survived 3 days of rain.

June - With more than enough money raised (a miracle!) we had a great week in Honduras. We got another surprise right before we went - another positive pregnancy test. We prayed about it and talked to the doctor and he gave us the go-ahead to go on the trip. However, all the blood tests showed levels that were too low and when we got back from the trip we went in for an ultrasound and our worst fears were confirmed, we were going to lose the pregnancy. However we got another shock - I was pregnant with twins!

July - This was a turning point in our lives. I turned 38 in July and decided that I needed to make some changes. We weren't going to try to get pregnant again for awhile but I thought maybe we could try to increase our chances by losing weight. We started Take Shape For Life (using the Medifast diet plan) with the hopes of losing 40 pounds each.

August - Things were definitely starting to turn around for us. Our weight loss was well underway, we were making plans to redo our kitchen (and stay in Dayton for another 3 years at least). We also started helping with a new Vineyard church plant in Huber Heights, Crossroads Church. Also, Jason decided to go back to school to get his BSN (Nursing) and then get his masters to be a nurse practitioner.

September - I decided to take a couple of classes I had always wanted to take: voice lessons, and clown classes! The voice lessons at Sinclair came to about $12/lesson (if you want info on this, let me know) and the volunteer clown classes were through Kettering Medical Center. There was sadness at the end of the month - we had to put my precious kitty, Kinzie, to sleep. I had a wonderful 14 years with her and still miss her. We also traveled to Seattle to visit my brother and his wife. (The trip ended badly with me making the decision to not contact my brother again for awhile.)

October - We had a wonderful little addition to our family, Izzy. She's a rescue dog that is probably part dachshund and part... rat terrier? She's been a great addition to our family (though the cats may disagree). We also started wrapping up our weight loss. At the end of our 4 months on the diet, Jason lost 45 pounds and I lost 40 pounds!

November - I graduated from Kettering Medical Center's Clown School! I'm only volunteering at this point but I'm hopeful to start doing some professional gigs and joining a clown alley. Thanksgiving was a wonderful time with my dad, step-mom and that side of the family, and then we traveled to Kentucky to do Thanksgiving with Jason's family.

December - Jason decided to have abdominoplasty after losing 260 pounds over 5 years. He had a long recovery with a lot of pain but he's almost done with the process and only has to deal with swelling at this point. Much of December was preparing for Christmas celebrations and helping Jason. We were able to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas day with Jason's family and then travel to Florida to stay with Mom and Gary for the rest of the week.

I'm now finishing up this blog preparing to bring in the new year watching a Hallmark movie with Mom and Gary while Jason is packing (or maybe sleeping) in our room. We leave in the morning and start a new adventure called 2011.

Plans for 2011: 

Jason starts nursing assistant classes on Monday. These run for 3 weeks and then he'll get his certification and hopefully quickly find a job. He's also taking two other classes while he prepares to start his BSN at Wright State in the fall. I'm so excited for this direction he's taking!

It's sorta difficult making resolutions for the new year when what I'm really hoping for is to get pregnant again. I'd love to lose another 10-15 pounds, but getting pregnant means gaining weight, not losing it. I'd also like to run a 5k but this isn't really recommended during the first trimester. (Or the last too I guess.) I just have to take these things one day at a time and not put off what needs to be done today.

So here are my New Years Resolutions:

1) I want to blog at least once a week, and hopefully more often.

2) I want to start doing yoga to become more flexible and tone my muscles.

3) I want to do a study of the life of Jesus and how the four gospels are intertwined. (Something I've been wanting to do for awhile.)

4) I want to finish my sitting room/guest room. This requires a futon mattress and getting the room organized. (I'm already overwhelmed.)

5) I want to do coffee with all my girl friends who I don't see as often as I'd like to. (Please contact me and let me know when you'd like to do coffee.) ;)

I have 19 minutes left in 2010, and 37 minutes left on my battery on my laptop. However my brain is starting to check out and the resolutions running around in my head are getting more and more ridiculous. It's time to sign off and finish packing. More blogging tomorrow perhaps. Hopefully. :)

Happy New Year!! May this next year be the best yet.