Sunday, March 6, 2011

New Year's Resolution... behind already

One of my resolutions was to blog at least once a week. I got through almost two months of blogging weekly and then it died. Probably back to my thinking no one cares (Reasons Not to Blog). But you know, this blog is more for me than for all of you, so I'm blogging tonight, even if it's boring.

Our regular schedule includes Jason getting up before me, waking me (and Izzy) up around 7:00 am. I get ready and about half the time Jason (and Izzy) head to Tim Hortons to get coffee and bagels. He takes me to work around 8:30 am. (Tim's coffee and bagels used to be a once a week treat, then it became twice a week. Now it's 2-3 times a week.)

At work I've been dealing with adding new trademarks and patents to our database. This is an awesome thing because this means work is picking up and hopefully we won't have to continue working in the shadow of layoffs. My group keeps things light-hearted by going to lunch for birthdays every month and having special lunches for Christmas and other occasions. (And I love making cakes for these events.)

Jason's home during the day taking care of the laundry, cleaning and meals. He's also taking full time classes online. He's learned pretty quick that online classes are harder even if they are more flexible. There's a lot of work involved and he spends quite a bit of the day, every day, working on assignments and tests. His first quarter back in school ends in a week or so and he'll find out if he got all A's. (He's thinking he does.)

Other than that, we're taking lay pastoral classes at the Dayton Vineyard. We're part of a large group from that church that is going through intensive 10 week training, then an internship, then we'll be launched into our community to visit people in hospitals, jails, nursing homes, and shut-ins. I'll blog more about this when we're a little further along.

We're on a church plant team to start Crossroads Vineyard church in Huber Heights. We started the process slowly with outreaches, monthly services, and twice-monthly home meetings. Our church service is now weekly, starting today, and we had 54 people! Today it felt like a family, like our own church and not just a group that's from the Dayton Vineyard. (Mostly because we have so many people in our church family that aren't from the Dayton Vineyard!)

Things are changing though. Jason starts a new job tomorrow at Homefull. So that whole routine you read above is about to drastically change. With Jason working full time and taking full time classes, he definitely won't have time to do work around the house. So the laundry and cleaning is back on me, but Jason will still do the cooking. (Yay!!) So I'll have to move my evening activities around to make sure I have time to do what's needed and let go of those things that aren't so important.

Jason will still drive me to work and pick me up - he works 9-5 and I'm 8:30 - 5 and he'll be working just a few minutes away. Izzy will be left alone all day, so we're still trying to figure out what to do about that. This first week one of us will go home at lunch to check on her. Thankfully we're both working about 10 minutes from the house. We're just not sure how long of a lunch Jason gets.

I've started doing zumba with some girl friends. One friend described as a dance club but without the alcohol. I'd like to add that I know what moves to do (though I haven't quite mastered a lot of them) instead of wondering "how do you dance to this kind of music???" There's latin music and salsa-type moves, but there's also swing music with swing dance moves, Indian music with moves from Bollywood, Egyptian moves ("Walk Like an Egyptian"), and hip hop. Fun!! And of course the girl time is great fun too. :)

Tuesday I pick up a ukulele. There was an online special to get $50 towards a new instrument for $25. So I got a good-quality beginner ukulele for what I'd get a cheap one for on Do I know how to play one? No, but I've taken guitar lessons in the past and I've heard it's not too difficult to learn how to play one. There's also a couple people from church who will hopefully help me out if/when I get stuck. Why did I get a ukulele? Mostly for clowning, but they're so much fun! I'd probably get one even if I didn't do clowning. ;)

That's enough for today. I'll have an update later this week on Jason's new job and my uke. And maybe a few other blogs about those other items I keep promising...