With previous trips we did constructions projects and medical clinics. With this type of work we were pushed for time to complete our projects. When children would come visit us, we would ask them to stay out of the way out of concern for their safety. We were also asked not to give them any sort of gifts but we would sneak them candy sometimes.
However with this trip the focus was on children, and it was suggested that we bring gifts not only for our sponsor children, but for the many other kids we were visiting. So I packed two suitcases (one large, one small) full of gifts for my sponsor girl, Ana, her family, and also for the different projects we would visit. (And yes, I packed clothes and personal items also.)
The first day we got to play with the kids from our first project (HO-328) was a national holiday (Columbus Day for us) so the kids were out of school. Many children showed up to play, not just the children from the project, but many more.
They warned us to only give out stickers around small groups of children. I tried this, but the moment I got out stickers, the kids would start pushing forward trying to get to the stickers. Our trip leader, Brad, rescued me by taking the stickers out of my hand and putting them away. Other times we would try, and we would say "una fila por favor" (one line please) but they'd keep pushing. Roxana (most awesome roommate ever) separated them into boys (ninos) and girls (ninas) and they were a little better at getting into a line. There was still cutting and pushing going on.
The crowd around Roxana grew as the children realized she was giving out stickers. |
I'm not sure how to describe it but everyone stands in a circle with their right hand on top of the next person's left hand. Then my left hand was under someone else's right hand. They would do a sing-song chant and clap the hand of the person to the left. This would go around the circle a couple of times, and then they would start counting in English. On "ten" they tried to slap the hand in their left hand. If they got the person, that person was out. If not, then they were out. Then the circle would get smaller. We played this until there were one child left. We had a great time. And it was much better than trying to hand out stickers. ;)
Helping two girls with their stickers. |
Showing my name tag with stickers on it. |
One of the home visits I was part of. |
I noticed something amazing. The children walked around to the different tables and took turns doing crafts, getting their faces painted and getting balloons. They didn't push, they didn't cut, and they didn't whine about having to wait. In fact, one boy came up and asked for a second sword. When I asked where his first one went, he pointed to a little girl who was playing with it. So I made him another sword. This actually happened a couple more times with other kids.
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Making a sword for the boys. (Photo by Tom Baer.) |
Instead it was like they enjoyed the moment so much that they wanted to make sure their friends experienced it also. And maybe when we enjoyed giving them the item, they enjoyed it as much when giving it to someone else. Is this the mindset of children who have grown up with very little? Is it because these children have listened to their lessons about love, kindness, sharing, and giving? I'm not sure, but I hope to someday find out why these children are so different from my previous experiences.
Saying goodbye to the kids at HO-329. |
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