Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Disappearance of tall pants, Jason's promotion, and whatever else comes to mind

I've been trying to lose weight, but after 16 months (and two weddings, one being mine) and no weight coming off (actually gained a few), I'm giving up. I walk 3 days a week (average 8,000 steps/day), I do yoga, I try to eat healthy without dieting. (Diets make me gain weight because after starving myself for weeks, I give up, eat everything I've been denying myself and end up gaining weight.) At this point I'm just fighting to not gain weight. I know I need to join a gym and kick it up a notch, but I need to find the TIME.

Anyway, I decided that I was sick of wearing old, worn out pants. Only a few pairs still fit me and I hate wearing the too-small pairs with a long sweater. I was going out tonight to buy a couple new pair of pants for work. I have 4 pairs of black pants, so I was hoping to find navy, brown, gray, or stripes.

I went to Lane Bryant, where most of my pants have come from for the past 6 years. They no longer carry tall pants in the store, but I can order them online. I don't want to order them - I want to try them on BEFORE I pay for them. So then we go to JCPenneys, and once again, they no longer carry tall pants in the store, but I can buy them online. Pass.

So we hit Macy's and Elder Beermans. All these places have tall jeans, but no tall pants. We hit a few other stores that carry my size, and still no tall pants. We go to Fashion Bug and no tall pants. I had to fight feelings of being huge and ugly. I'm sick of hearing people say "you're so lucky to be tall." They have no idea how frustrating it really is. No one says "you're so lucky to be short" and petite people have entire stores that cater to them.

My options are now to go back to the Eddie Bauer outlet store and hope for another pair of tall pants that have been returned. (They're usually super cheap and a great fit for me!) I know what pants I like at Lane Bryant, so I know I can order them with confidence that they'll fit. There is also a tall store in Dayton where I actually feel short and the pants are way too long. I'll head over there and drop the $60 for a good pair of pants. It's worth it if I can start feeling good about my height again.

Next topic, Jason's promotion at work. I tried to blog this last week, but wasn't hooked up to the internet. I typed it in a program that doesn't have auto-save. I found this out the hard way. Anyway, a couple weeks ago Jason got an email about an Operations Manager for the adolescent residential program at Sojourner, where he works. (Link to Sojourner.) He submitted his letter of interest that afternoon. He interviewed with his future boss and the VP of Sojourner the following afternoon. The next day they offered him the position. Unfortunately it wasn't much of an increase from the position he was in, so he turned it down. There was some discussion and they agreed with him, that the position deserved more money, and they met his counter-offer.

They believe in Jason, they believe he's perfect for the position, that he can turn the program around. They need a leader who isn't afraid to make people do their job and fire them if they don't. His first official day in his new position was today, and he's already fired someone. He now has to work on hiring a couple new people. Jason has plenty of experience running this type of program, including hiring the right people to work with. I'm excited about the lives he's going to change. I know it's more stressful, but it's hopefully going to be more rewarding. Please pray for Jason has he tackles the difficulties waiting for him. It's going to be rough at first, but it's all going to work out.

I have Ginger updates, but they'll have to wait for another day. I need up do some laundry, hem some pants, and if I have time, finish my pumpkin... and it's 10:30 pm. Okay, maybe the pumpkin will wait until tomorrow.


  1. I was going to say something about the Eddie Bauer that place! I think I'm shrinking though, I no longer have to buy tall pants.

    Congrats to Jason! I didn't know he worked at Sojourner! One of my old instructors from Miami loves to send Social Worker interns there.

    There are lots of houses in our area for sale...hint! I'm really glad everything is going well! I think of you guys often and miss seeing you, but life is crazy with 3 small ones!

  2. Try "Luxioursly Tall" on Dayton Xenia Road in Beavercreek.
