Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Cyndi 1, Deer 0

(repost from myspace)

Cyndi 1, Deer 0

Current mood:tired

Gee, and just last week I was saying that I haven't been in an accident in over 6 years. That's pretty amazing for me. Accident number seven happened Sunday night on my way home from Kentucky. Bambi tried crossing the road but decided to stop and look at the pretty blue car coming right at it. People keep asking what happened to the deer. I have no idea. It went airborne after I hit it and I just kept driving. I didn't want to stop anywhere near that thing. I heard hissing coming from the front of my car, so I did eventually stop.

Minor damage to the front of my car - the grill is pushed in and things aren't quite lined up right. Obviously the radiator was hit and probably has a crack in it. There was a large puddle of water under my car afterwards. The air bag didn't go off and I'm not hurt at all. Was pretty badly shook up afterwards though. Thankfully a State Highway Patrolman was coming the other direction and stopped. He almost hit the deer and then saw me hit it. We hung out while we waited for the tow truck driver and talked about our churches. When the tow truck guy showed up, Sargeant Littrell let me know that Rodney was a good a guy. (A chain smoker, but a nice guy.)

Jason came up from Kentucky and rescued me in Lucasville and Rodney went ahead and took my car to a collision place near there. He said it was highly recommended and has a webcam so you can watch the progress of your car. When they've got pictures of my car up, I'll post them. I'm driving a rental car right now. A Hyundai Sonoma. It's okay. I was hoping for a Malibu.

Here's the funny part of all this. (Because, as you know, there's always something ridiculous that happens with me.) Jason and his mom made a 9-layer stack cake (made with homemade apple butter) for me to take to work on Monday. We decided to put it in my passenger seat because I was afraid it would slide around if I put it on the floor. After the accident I couldn't find the cake and was very upset. When I called Jason to let him know I hit the deer, he immediately asked if I was okay. I told him I was, but I didn't think the cake made it. He couldn't believe I was so concerned about the cake. I told the patrol man and the tow truck guy about the cake and they opened the back door and told me it looked fine. It was sitting on the floor like I had set it there. I told them before the accident it was sitting on the seat. I then got lectured about putting baked goods on the floor when you're transporting them. (Gee, can you tell they're both married?)

Anyway, the cake was kinda crunched on one side and wasn't centered on the plate anymore, but I took it to work anyway. Everyone loved it and said it looked great, even after hitting a deer. Ha. :)

I had a great weekend in Kentucky. I'll have to post pictures later. And I'll give you an update on my car as soon as I have it. I found these t-shirts offered by the business that's fixing my car:

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