Friday, October 12, 2007

(repost from myspace)

I know you’ve been wondering...

Current mood:excited

You'll get the short version because (1) I'm at work and (2) if you know me, you've already heard the story at least twice and if not, you'll hear it sooner or later.

I got home last Thursday and Jason was sitting there waiting for me. (He doesn't work Fridays and usually gets off work early on Thursdays.) I had had a very bad day at work. (Been having a lot of those lately.) I just wanted a huge hug from him. So while I'm standing there getting my greeting bear hug from Jason, I look over his shoulder and see a large pumpkin sitting on my coffee table. A couple thoughts run through my head:
 - why didn't he leave that outside
 - wow, that's a nice pumpkin, we could carve something cool on there
 - it's a week early, we're not doing the pumpkin carving party until next week
 - I get to prove that I'm a better carver than he is

What comes out of my mouth: "nice pumpkin." He responded with "I carved it for you." (I was a bit disappointed but then thought that he's now trying to show he's a better carver than me.) So I said "well, let's see it" expecting something goofy. He turned it around and got down on one knee. From my angle all I could see was "CYNDI WILL YOU" and I froze. My brain was racing wondering if the next line was "GO TO DINNER" and it was just a joke. (A friend said it would have been funny if it said "CARVE ME.")

So he said something (I don't remember and he doesn't either) while pulling out the ring box. That's when I realized the rest of the pumpkin said "MARRY ME?" I went into shock - he seriously caught me off guard. I think I started doing one of those girlie crying and laughing things. Then he opened the ring box and I saw the ring - and then I started screaming. (Is this what guys expect?) I think I was jumping around the living room and trying not to bawl my eyes out. Jason just kept laughing at me and finally stood up and said "well?" My answer was "OK, YES!!" And then a lot of hugging, kissing, and me still jumping around and screaming. And yes, crying and laughing too. (If you know me, this isn't hard to imagine.)

(from our engagement pictures)
 And then I had to go prepare for small group - it was my turn to lead. I had done the lesson but hadn't gone over what questions I wanted to hit. Like I could concentrate. And I had to make a few phone calls when my brain wasn't focusing.

Mom was so excited, she cried when I told her. My mom and step-dad just love Jason to death. I had to call Melissa and ask her officially to be my matron of honor. (She hates the word "matron" so we're calling her the "best woman.") Jason called his best friend, Bryan, and asked him to be the best man, and we're set. (Yes, just two attendants. It's one of those things where there's one, or 20. How do you choose???)

So next we have to decide the wedding date. We knew it was going to be a Friday night, so I was teasing that we should get married on leap day. So, we're getting married February 29, 2008.

Planning is going really well. Melissa and I are going dress shopping tomorrow. We already hit David's Bridal once, so we have a good idea of what we're going for. We've got a wedding and reception site, photographer and caterer. And a budget - which got cut in half Wednesday. (We may be able to afford more, but if we sleep better at night, it's best to slim it down.)

A little plug for the photographer who is giving us an incredible deal: (thanks Darrin!!) 

I keep praying that we don't lose our focus. It's not about me, it's not about Jason, it's not about the perfect wedding, it's about Him. It's about God bringing us together and joining us together. Our ceremony is going to be completely focused on this. The reception will be for celebrating! :)

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