Tuesday, April 15, 2008

little vents... big praises!!

(repost from myspace; some content has been removed)

little vents... big praises!!

Current mood:adventurous

Little vents first.
Funny how people come into our lives and right back out sometimes. Some you stay aquaintances with, some you completely lose touch with. A friend posted a while back about the Michael W. Smith song "Friends are Friends Forever." The line he was debating was "friends are friends forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them." He said this was wrong and I disagreed with him. After my brief email encounter this morning, I guess I agree. You can be Christian brothers and sisters, but that doesn't mean you have to stay friends. I think it's okay to let people go and place your focus on others. (Others who don't raise your stress level.)

Another little vent - work. We started a new software for the database I docket on. (I'm the only docket clerk right now. Everyone else just views the information I manipulate.) It just amazes me how people get so dead set against something that once it's staring them in the face, they can't accept it. My mom once said that my gift was explaining things that are complicated. I would agree with her until now. I can't seem to explain our new software. I've tried and tried, but there's people who just don't get it. I've lost my knack of explaining the complicated. Or maybe I've just lost my patience.

Really, I just want to do my work and not have to explain things over and over.

And for the record, I LOVE the new software. I've turned into a complete geek and I've had so much fun playing with all the gadgets and gizmos that I've never had before. They're threatening to take away my Admin status, but no one else understands it enough to have that status. Heh. (Technically I shouldn't be the admin since I'm a clerk. My supervisor, or someone in IS should be Admin.)

Other little vents - Jason's cabin not selling, not having the money to fix up the house like we really want to, gaining weight (I went off the diet), working long hours, the weather... blah blah blah.

Big praises...
Jason's new job. First I was asking everyone to pray for wisdom for Jason. The next day he put in his 2-week notice at his old job. I had a minor heart-attack at first, but then just let it go. I felt peace about the situation and knew things would be taken care of. Three days later he had a job offer for an awesome job! I'll let J give you the gory details, but basically, it's doing what he was doing in Kentucky, what he enjoyed doing at his last job. It's M-F, 8-4:30. (Wooo hoooo!!!!) And he has 2 weeks vacation the first year. He already has off for Honduras. I wanted to cry when he got the job - it was just so amazing and so quick! And I have my husband back. :)

We went to Kentucky last weekend (J's first weekend off since January - other than the wedding). We had a great time hanging out with his parents and all the dogs and cats. (J's 5 dogs, and 3 cats.) We spent Saturday night at the cabin. I suggested we watch some old scary movie before going to bed. I thought it would be fun. We watched "Night of the Living Dead." Dang that was scary!!! They may not have had the special effects that we have now, but the mentality was still the same. As we were falling asleep Jason kept saying "they're coming to get you Cyndi." (If you've seen the movie, you know why.) And then he wonders why I didn't get any sleep.

We don't have a mattress in Kentucky, just boxsprings. We took an air mattress, but noticed that when we went upstairs after the movie, the mattress was already half deflated. Great. (Cats must have gotten to it when it was home.) So we went back downstairs and pushed the loveseat and couch together and put the sheets down. Jason slept great, I didn't. (See above.) When you turn off the lights out there, it's DARK. Seriously black. No lights from anything anywhere. Glad I had my flashlight.

Other little praises... Honduras. Yeah, I know, don't get me started. :) First, 116 days until we leave. (You knew I'd do the countdown again.) We're going from August 9-16th. Since there's 2 of us going this year, it'll be almost $4,000. We have almost half of it from income tax returns and I'm sure the rest will come in, no problems. (I keep telling Jason to just wait and see... it's the coolest thing!!) We're doing construction this year, so if you have any hammer and nail type projects that you want some help with... let me know. :) (I'm a bit rusty on these sorts of projects... pun intended.) Just need to get the last name updated on the passport and I'll be already to go.

So excited!!! :)

Other praises... warm weather coming, hanging out with so many friends this weekend, the first outreach at Dayton campus this year... and so much more, but my lunch is almost over.
Feel free to share you little vents and big praises... :)

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