Sunday, May 11, 2008

Tornado in Kentucky

(repost from myspace)

Tornado in Kentucky

Current mood:indescribable

Jason and I are in Kentucky this weekend. We spent last night at the cabin, about 20 minutes away from his church. We figured we'd leave at 10am, get into Olive Hill around 10:20, hit McDonalds for coffee and breakfast and make it to church early for the 10:50 service. (We brought our wedding pictures to share.) So that was the plan. The morning didn't quite turn out as we planned.

We walked out of the cabin around 10:00 and we were talking about a noise we heard that sounded like a truck on a highway. There's no highways around there (there's no roads out there) so we figured it was thunder from the clouds that were rolling in. We get in the car and start down the road. About 5 minutes later we start noticing trees down and up the road a bit there was tree across the road. We turn around and head another direction. Another 10 minutes down the road there was another (larger) tree down across the road. We pulled over and waited for the storm to pass before trying a third way into town.

After sitting a few minutes the rain stopped and we could see blue skies peeking through the clouds. We headed back in the first direction, thinking maybe the trees had been cleared. (And also to see if maybe it was a tornado that brought the trees down.) As we approached the first tree down it became clear that a tornado had gone through. We could see down into a ravine, where there were trees and structures blown apart. The houses seemed untouched, but a large greenhouse and a couple of other sheds (or other small buildings) had been destroyed. With the number of trailors around that area, it's amazing that none of them were touched. We saw some firetrucks so we're hoping that there wasn't destruction further down the road where we couldn't see.

So we headed off in another direction and after an hour and fifteen minutes of driving, we finally made it to church around 11:20. The service was almost over, so we dropped off a few things and headed to Jason's parent's house. As we drove we talked about the sound we heard when we headed out of the cabin. We're thinking we heard the tornado tearing things up. I have to admit, I was quite shaken up. Funny thing, we had been discussing all the amazing things we've seen God do lately, especially in our own lives. I guess we can add this to the list.

Here's the only report we're finding so far...

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