Saturday, September 27, 2008

Saturday randomness

First a rant. I've been collecting these "Privacy Policy for Consumer Information" pamphlets that keep showing up in my mail. I'm on the do-not-call list, but somehow, since these people have my information, they feel like they can give this to other companies they're affilated with. And now days, isn't that a rather large number and growing regularly? We've noticed a large increase in telemarketing calls recently and although we answer these and ask them to take us off their list, there's still plenty of others who now have us on their lists.

So I've been saving these pamphlets for a day where I felt ornery enough to call these people and ask them to NOT give my information out. Today was that day.

First up, Charles Schwab. Yay, it's automated and they only want my SSN, and then my PIN. What? I don't know any PIN for them, so I have to answer a series of other questions, including my date of hire. I struggled with that for a moment because it was the week after Thanksgiving about 4 years ago. Is that November or December??? I guessed correctly and finally got to "reset" my PIN. And then I find out that their Customer Service department is closed on the weekend and I'll have to call back on Monday. Strike one.

Second up, Lane Bryant. Also automated, but you need your account number to change your privacy policy. I don't have this, so I tried to figure out how to talk a human being. Hitting 0 didn't work, so I just waited and didn't hit any more buttons. It hung up on me. Strike two.

Third up, Fifth Third Bank. Once again, automated. However, after hitting a series of buttons, I'm informed that I need to submit my request in writing or talk to a customer service. So I wait for my call to be transferred to customer service and then I'm given another number to call. I didn't write down the number, hoping it would transfer me again... and then it hung up. Strike three. I'm out.

Guess the telemarketers finally got around the do-not-call list.

I'm stashing the pamphlets in my work bag and I'll try dealing with this again at work next week. I don't want to waste any more time on a Saturday.

Next topic... wedding album. After spending weeks working on our wedding album on iPhoto (on my mac) I've figured out that they're more than twice as much as And they don't have as many options. So... I downloaded the mypublisher software and started working on my wedding album. Again. I used the same layout as before, but got to tweak a few things. So it took me another week to finalize this next album. And it'll be about $30 after the discount.

I haven't ordered the book yet, I'm still looking for critical input from people. I think I finally have the book how I want it, but the last little details is the "our wedding" on the front. I'll probably take it off, but there are quite a few who actually like it.

To view our wedding album, click here. If it asks for the ID and password, here's the info:
Your Share ID # is: S1715562
Your Share password is: 2342225

Last topic of randomness... the new Parsons kitten, Ginger. (That would be the Kentucky Parsons household, not the Ohio Parsons household.) Meet Ginger:

Gayle, Jason's mom, found her on the road, dragging her back legs. She was so little that at first she thought it was an injured squirrel. The little cat's stomach was huge, like it was about to pop, and there was a sore on her side. Gayle took her to the vet and the vet recommended putting her to sleep, but Gayle wanted to do what they could to save the kitten's life. Her bowels were impacted and she wasn't peeing on her own. The vet checked Ginger's legs and there was nothing broken, so he assumed that she had nerve damage. They think that maybe a dog got her and shook her. The vet wasn't sure how badly she was hurt and whether or not she'd make it. She weighed a pound and a half.

Gayle took her home, started feeding her baby food and laxative, and she would express her bladder. Every few days Gayle would take the kitten back to the vet to get her checked out again. Each time she was worried she'd hear him say again that the kitten would need to be put to sleep. But each time she was getting a little better. She was still a pound and a half after a week though.

We came to visit about a week after Gayle had brought her home. She was finally using the litter box on her own and she was getting around a lot better on her back legs. Her back legs would move, but very slowly. If she tried running too fast, she would end up dragging her legs behind her again. You could tell her ear would itch, but she couldn't move her leg to itch it. She was also was eating quite a bit more and getting more and more playful. By Sunday she was playing the entire day with almost every cat toy she could find. Yes, I have video and I have to share. :)

Also making their video debuts are Bella, the dog, and Simon, the cat, who isn't too excited about a new kitten being around.

We'll be back in Olive Hill October 17-19, we'll have an update (most likely in video form) on little Ginger for you in about a month.

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