Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Honduras - Day 6

Pictures from photobucket.com

Thursday - August 14

Stopped at hardware store to get handles for Tina's house. Also got machettis for Eric, Caleb, and ourselves. Got to house and "installated" (Kevin's word) the handles & curtains. Deb got video of Tina at her old house - Extreme Makeover Home Edition style. Got everyone together and shouted "Mueve eso bus!" (If I spelled that right, it's "move that bus" in Spanish.) Finished the video and then prayed for the family.

Started prayer walk a little after 9. Roads very muddy. Hit several roads and headed to school at 11. Waited, and then went back to pastor's house. Sat and waited for other team to get back. When they came, went in and made peanut butter & jelly sandwiches.

After lunch (and watching some of the Olympics in Spanish and playing checkers), we went to Tina's house to sign a part of the wall. Prayed for Ana's headache (which went away) and then continued on the prayer walk.

Prayed for so many with aches & pains, and those with children in the United States. (The moms were very worried for their children.) Invited everyone to church - several showed up! Finished a little early and went back to Pastor's house and waited for the other group. Headed back to the hotel early - very hot day! (Even the Honduras people thought it was hot!)

Started to rain on the way back to the hotel. Julie, Gregg, Shannon & Grace got caught in the rain in the back of the truck! We stopped at another hardware store to get a lock for Tina's house. Got to hotel and showed housekeeper leak in our ceiling. Manager came by later to look at it. We weren't changing rooms again.

Took long hot shower & got ready for church - last service of the trip. Pastor & family came for dinner.

Got cake for Steve & Debbie's 4th anniversary. Pastor Roberto gave them a bowl for a gift.

Kevin gave Samuel a "Golden Screw Driver Award" for leading the team with the most trips to the hardware store. After dinner we all got our clothes together to donate to the church.

Storm cooled things off! So many people at church in long sleeves and jackets - and we were still hot. Jason chased Junior all over, while Junior figured out how to sneak up on Jason when he wasn't watching.

Julie & Steve gave their testimonies. Kevin did sermon about outreach - which I think the people really got! Pastor Roberto even challenged the people to start a food bank.

Said our final goodbyes. People were yelling "Noviembre" (November) as we were leaving. (The medical team will be going back in November.) I started crying (along with Kathy).

I can't believe I'm not coming back with everyone. Ana asked if we were coming back in November and I told her I hope not - that I hoped to be pregnant by then. At church, when we were praying for people, I had my hand on a woman's shoulder and I felt a small hand grab my finger. Her baby had a grip on my fingers. Later she asked if I was pregnant (no idea why) and I asked Ana to tell her "not yet." They'll understand when I don't come back for awhile. Still makes me so sad.

Got to room and got everything organized and packed. Got to bed late - around 11pm.

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