Sunday, May 2, 2010

Honduras on my mind...

This is actually a blog that I've been thinking about for a couple of years. I finally got all my pictures in one place (on this computer) so I can finally show you what's been on my mind - the changes I've seen over the past 4 years.

First a recap of my past 4 trips to Honduras. The first time I went (June 2006) was the 2nd time our church sent a team to El Quebracho, the village our church helping. We helped with leveling the dirt so the cement floor could be poured. We also assisted with putting the beams of the roof up (which was amazing). At that time there was no electricity in the village and the only water was from a well at the entrance of the village (off the transcontinental highway).
 (Our team in June 2006)

The second time I went (June 2007) we had a large group and we were able to have a medical team, an education team (for vacation Bible school), a plumbing team (to put a well in at the church), and a painting team (to paint the church - this was my team). This time when we came into the village there were TV's and radio's playing and they had lights - they had electricity!
 (Our team in June 2007)

The third time I went (August 2008), Jason joined me and our team built a house for a family that was about to become homeless. (Heart to Honduras and the pastor of the church decide on who gets the house.) Looking over the pictures from the previous two trips I saw many pictures of the family - cooking meals for us, helping with construction, and also praying for us. The church, along with many families in the village along with Pastor Roberto, had running water - for their bathrooms and kitchens.
 (Our team in August 2008)

Last year was my fourth time going (November 2009) and we put screens on windows and doors of many houses in the village. The best part of the trip was getting to know the people of the church better. It was like they were part of our mission team, helping us accomplish the greater goal - showing God's love to the people of Honduras.
 (Our team in November 2009)

So I wanted to share some pictures of the progress of our sister church and the people of El Quebracho...
This is where the church was meeting in 2005.

When the church outgrew their building, 
they started meeting under this tree in 2006.

Our church helped buy the land and the supplies for the new building.
This was what the church looked like June 2006.

Here's the completed building in June 2007.

This is what the church looked like a week later - June 2007.

Our next visit was in August 2008 - they added landscaping.

Here's the front of the church - November 2009.
They added the name of the church above the door,
but then added the awning which covers the sign.

Another way to show progress - Pastor Roberto's and Olga's house:
Here's the bathroom/pila in 2006.
(In 2005 they had curtains instead of doors.)

Then they got a well in 2009 and running water...

 The bathroom was redone to be larger and 
the pila was replaced with a washing machine!!
This is the same corner as 2 pictures above.
(The pila was moved to the backyard.)

Here's the doorway to the kitchen in 2006.
(I believe the stove ran on a generator.)

Here's the pass-through to the kitchen in 2006.
The sink is below the window.

Here's the same pass-through in 2007. 
The stove was moved closer to the sink, 
a refridgerator was sitting where the stove used to be.

Here's the sink and stove in 2009.
See the stainless steel sink with a faucet?

Here's the fridge (with magnets!) and the cupboard has moved.
 Last I have you show you how the family has changed over the past 4 years...




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