Monday, February 28, 2011

Countdown to our first anniversary!

After three years of marriage we're finally looking forward to our first anniversary next year. ("Wait, what?") We got married on leap day in 2008. We knew we'd only have an anniversary every four years so we thought we'd have a big celebration every four years.

We now have 365 days left to plan that celebration. The problem is that we're a little stuck. Here's the problems we're running up against:
  1. Leap day is on a Wednesday next year, which means it's on a school night.
  2. Which means that Jason will probably have class that day and the next day.
  3. To throw a proper party we need to pay for it. Dinner for 50 people at $20/person is $1,000. 
  4. If we throw a party that costs us $20/person, will our guest feel obligated to bring gifts? (We don't want gifts.) 
  5. We're not sure where to have it. At a restaurant? Rent a hall and have a catered dinner? 
  6. We're not sure what we want the celebration to look like. We've thought about having dinner and a band with dancing. Or maybe just dinner and then heading out for live music or karaoke afterward.
  7. Our families from out of town will most likely not be able to make it. So then the question is who are we having this party for? 
So what do you think? Should we just ask those who can make it meet us for dinner someplace? Should we try to do something more organized and private? (I love planning parties.)

Where do you think we should have it? I'm leaning towards the Oregon District. There's many restaurants there and several places that would have live entertainment. Or we could all go hang out at Press after dinner, the new coffee place on Wayne.

Karaoke at our wedding reception

When should we have it? The date is of course 2/29/12 (save the date), but should it be at 5:30 or 6:00 pm, right after work? Or should it be later in the evening like 7:00 or 7:30 pm so people have time to get ready after work?

The reason I'm asking all of you is because I'm hoping many of our family and friends can make it, so that requires us planning this around what our family and friends would like to do. (And when and where.) So please feel free to share your opinion. :)

Thank you!


  1. I think you should do whatever you decide you like better!
    But as for me being able to attend (and I'd love to!)it would have to be right after work around 6ish because as it is a school night, I'll have to be at home and getting ready for bed by 9 or 930.
    I would be perfectly OK helping out and paying for my own dinner somewhere just to be able to celebrate with you all :o)

  2. What I would like better? A big party that we can't afford. ;)

    I think we're leaning towards dinner out with friends around 6:00. But still looking into fun options around Dayton.

  3. Dinner out with friends sounds fun! Brio has a party room and live jazz on the weekends sometimes.

  4. Personally, I think that anniversary celebrations are for the couple to celebrate together. Most usually do it privately unless it's a big number like 40 or 50 or more. Parties are fun but it's your anniversary so you should do what YOU want!
    This blog post begs the question: "Why are you asking others to help you decide?"
    It's your choice.

  5. We want a fun celebration with friends (and the family that can make it). We're asking for advice because we have no idea what this celebration should look like. We thought we'd take all the ideas offered and pick the parts we like. More opinions, more ideas means a better party. :)

    (I'd hate to plan something and then no one show up.)

    Btw, we'll never be able to celebrate a 10th, 25th, or 50th anniversary. No leap days those years. We knew this when we picked it though, which is why we decided we want to celebrate every 4 years. :)

  6. I will most likely be living back out west by this time next year - but I vote for having people meet you at a public venue. There's nothing that says you have to fund the entire thing--especially with circumstances the way they are. Also--you might want to involve karaoke, since that was a big part of your wedding! :)
