Friday, January 20, 2012

Getting into 2012

This is the continuation of the Christmas letter that never got sent out. My family is used to getting a hand-made card or a photo card from us, but this year I decided we would send out a Christmas letter. However, I dropped off my laptop in Olive Hill, Kentucky on Thanksgiving weekend to get fixed and didn't get it back until a couple days before Christmas. My Christmas card list and all my addresses were on this laptop. The letter never got sent, so I thought I'd blog it.

At a Japanese restaurant in Florida around Thanksgiving.
2011 started with a lot of hope for things we were unsure about. It ended with decisions and direction. First, after 15 months of unemployment Jason found a job with Homefull, a non-profit that helps the homeless of Dayton. It can sometimes be stressful and frustrating, but he’s had a few clients come back to thank him - which makes it all worth it. We no longer have his cabin in Kentucky, so we’re finally down to one mortgage payment. We've invested in our little house in Dayton and did a complete remodel of the kitchen. And we love it!

Our new kitchen.
Jason has also decided to get his BSN (Nursing) and then get his masters in Clinical Psychology and become a Nurse Practitioner. It’s a long road, but he’s getting A’s at Sinclair College and should start the Beacon program (for those with a degree) at Wright State in 2013.

Jason trying on his nursing uniform.

After eight years of being an Intellectual Property Docket Clerk I looked into taking the patent bar exam. With being an engineering major for 3 years before finishing my math degree I have almost enough classes to apply to take the patent bar. However, I'm short one Chemistry class and one Physics class. Both are the third in a series of three, and the last time I took the first two classes was over 15 years ago. So I'm now looking into getting a B.A. in Physics and then taking the patent bar. After I pass the bar I'll be a Patent Agent and assist our attorneys in writing patent applications. I have the full support of my supervisors and the attorneys I work with. I'm in the process of reapplying to Wright State to see how long this process will take. 

We’ve also decided that we’re happy with just the two of us. (Translation: we’re not trying to get pregnant any more.) We may look into adoption in the future, but for now it's just not on our hearts.

Meet Rocky!
We did, however, get another dog a few weeks ago. We now have two cats and two dogs, and we're done with collecting pets. The new dog is Rocky, a year old dachshund mix. He's about 11 pounds, about the size of the cats, but shorter. He makes Izzy look big. They love playing together but Izzy does get jealous of the attention sometimes.

Izzy and Rocky enjoying a sunny warm day in January.
The biggest thing we're looking forward to in 2012 is our first anniversary. Yes, we got married almost 4 years ago but when you get married on leap day, you have to wait longer than others to celebrate. One disadvantage is that we can't agree when to celebrate on the off years. But one advantage is that we get to have a big celebration every 4 years! (And the 7 year itch won't hit for 28 years.) This year our anniversary is on a Wednesday so we're taking the day off and planning some leap day fun and festivities.

Christmas in Olive Hill, Kentucky
There's another event coming in 2012, one I'm trying to avoid but time won't let me. It's got me checking for gray hairs, wondering about botox, and slathering on the moisturizers. But I won't discuss the number I'm turning this because it makes my parents feel old. No matter the math though, I'll always feel 34. :)

Dad says I'm going through my mid-life crisis a bit early. I think he's right.

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