Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What do jewelry and children in Honduras have in common?

So excited! This excitement came out of nowhere after I stressed for so long, so I thought I'd blog it. Because I have a feeling that the stress (and freaking out) will return at some point.

As you probably very well know, I love going to Honduras on mission trips! I've gone six times but the last time I went was in 2010. Quite a bit has changed since then. The church in Honduras that we visit has a new pastor (and a different congregation from what I understand), the ministry we travel with (Heart to Honduras) has changed quite a bit, and Jason and I attend a different church now. (We're at Crossroads Vineyard, a church plant of the Dayton Vineyard.) So I wasn't sure if I would go back to El Quebracho, this year or ever.

I prayed about it and decided to go to Honduras with Compassion International this year. It was a difficult decision but after I put my deposit down I felt a peace about it. Compassion International works with Heart to Honduras, so I'll still be part of that ministry. However, my focus this time is visiting my sponsor child (Ana Melissa) and assisting with the programs in Honduras that reach out to the children.

I'm traveling in October, though the exact dates seem to change with each email I get. And the remaining amount of money is due in June. My usual means of funding my mission trips is through income tax return (already spent) or savings (needed for other things this year). I've also decorated cakes, done clowning, and odd jobs for friends to raise the money. It's all a bit sporadic but God never fails to surprise me with how the money will come in.

And this year is no different. I've decided this year that I'm going to raise money to go to Honduras by selling Premier Jewelry. I've tried other multi-level-marketing companies and so I'm very aware of what I'm getting into. (Honestly I never thought I'd do another one. Especially with my busy schedule.) However, I love playing with jewelry. I've had several very successful parties, and therefore quite a bit of jewelry. And it really seems low risk (after doing Mary Kay anyway).

I had a jewelry party in January and did really well. (I think I got $400+ in free jewelry.) Several work friends ordered items from the catalog and when I brought in their orders I asked to see what they got. We all stood in the hallway while each woman opened their boxes and showed off their pieces of jewelry. Each box held something beautiful and we all oooh'd and aaaah'd over what was inside. It was like Christmas. Quite fun! (Even for those who didn't order any jewelry.)

(I think from now on I'm having a jewelry pick-up party so everyone can see what the other ladies ordered. Seeing the pieces in real life is always so much more impressive than seeing a flat photo in a catalog.)

Anyway, all of this is falling into place. I feel like I'm a couple steps ahead of where I should be because I'm so ready to do this. (My upline, Stephanie, has been answering questions from me on almost a daily basis. I know I'm not driving her crazy, yet, but I'm sure I will soon.) My goal is to hold 10 parties by the end of June. At that point I'll reassess if I want to continue doing this or if I want to take a break until my next mission trip.

Any encouragement is greatly appreciated, whether it's through praise, prayer, parties, or purchases. (Oooh, I like that.)

What do jewelry and children in Honduras have in common? The love of one will allow me to love on the other. :)

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