Thursday, August 21, 2008

Honduras - Day 3

If you're just joining our program, you might want to scroll down and read the Overview, and then the blog about Days 1 & 2.

Pictures on

Monday, August 11 - Breakfast, devotions, then off to El Quebracho to build a house.

A little bit of background about the family we're building the family for. The parents are Francisco (if I spelled that right) and Clementina (Tina). Francisco has helped us with previous construction projects and Tina and her daughters have helped make meals for our teams over the past few years. Pastor Roberto picked this family to receive the new house because of their faithfulness to the church. And also because they rent the house they live in now and had no extra money to save up for their own house. (I believe they bought land, but couldn't put a house on it.) They have been praying for years that God would somehow provide a house for them. We believe that we were that answer to prayer.

(I've gone back through all my pictures from my last two trips to Honduras and have quite a few of Clementina, Francisco and their three daughters. I was going to post some of them, but there are just too many. Maybe that's another post for another day. In the meantime, here's a picture from when Deborah surprised her family Sunday night...)
Deborah, Clementina, Francisco, and Wendy (Nosly, their other daughter, is married with a baby and wasn't there that evening)

Back to the journal entry... We jumped right into our project and was over half-way done by lunch. After lunch we had a few kids visit us, but not as many as previous years. We were done with the outside of the house by 4:00 pm!

Tomorrow we plan to put screens on the windows & doors and put down a floor. We went back to the hotel and had time to relax for an hour. We had dinner and then crashed for the evening.

Here's what we got done today...

Clementina standing in front of the house they rent. (She's laughing about something.)

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