Sunday, August 24, 2008

Honduras - Day 4

From the journal...

Pictures on

Tuesday, August 12

Naldo & generator went back to Canchias. Eber & different truck came out. Jason, Debbie, Kathy and I built windows (shutters) and doors for house. (Ran out of wood so didn't get to finish 2nd door.) The rest of the team worked on leveling the dirt inside the house and then put cement down. During lunch Pastor Roberto added red powder to the top layer. Started on awning out back for kitchen area. Will finish this tomorrow along with putting in windows & doors. Should then be done!

After lunch (peanut butter & jelly sandwiches) a group of us stayed at the house and changed the phone number on 300 flyers to be passed out when going door to door. (Turns out we didn't get all 300.) Rained about 20 minutes and cooled everything off. (Gregg had actually asked for this.) Didn't do much the rest of the day. Helped Gregg & Samuel finish cutting and putting last door together. And then played checkers with Lee and Yoni (he's pretty good).

Rode in back of truck back to hotel. Crazy! Hot shower when we got back. Leg really hurts (some kind of bug bite). Michelle trying other things (other than antibiotic ointment). Finally am taking Keflex, an antibiotic. Hope it helps. Jason also prayed for my leg - it should be alright.

Church was a prayer service. We prayed for them, then they prayed for us. Then we prayed for people to receive healing. Lee & Shannon did testimonies. Shannon started off my saying "Buenas Dias." (Good morning.) Got a lot of laughter. We sang "Lord I Lift Your Name on High" and "Open the Eyes of My Heart." Julie had kids in back keeping them busy. Went through all 200 pages of a coloring book and all the crayons.

Before church I started showing the kids the album we had put together.

We noticed three of the guys had the same shirts on, so we decided to have some fun with them...

Long day, but a good one.

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