Monday, August 25, 2008

Honduras - Day 5

Pictures from

Wednesday, August 13

The day that everything went wrong (and the silver linings - with some pictures to highlight the day).

- grumpy people (but no one was sick).

- truck wouldn't start, had to get everyone into the van & no ladder (turns out we had enough room and we didn't need the ladder).

- turns out tarantulas live around the house we were building (makes for a cool story later).

- had to carry everything back and forth between pastor's house and Tina's house (but a good reminder that we're just "asses"* that carry Jesus). *See story at the bottom of the blog.

- measurements were wrong & things had to be done over and over (but we all were good humored about it and we got creative).

- what should have taken hours took the entire day (easy to build a plain house in a day, takes time to put the details and care into a home).

- screen doors turned out to be our biggest challenge, ended up with Plan D (if we're doing something, we're doing it right - no matter how long it takes).

What went right -

- finished shelter for kitchen.

- got windows & doors put on with screens that look nice.

- got to interact with people in the village.

- kids found us, had good time playing with them, watching them building houses with the blocks.

- tilapia for dinner - I finally got to try tilapia in Honduras. Good, but I didn't eat it all. (Didn't get a pic of dinner.)

- town square at night, so fun, so memorable.

- Baskin Robbins ice cream (Steve & Debbie treated).

- was so so so thankful for my wonderful husband!

Ready to go home though. It's been a rough week.

* Ambassadors Serving the Savior (ambASSador - King James Version):
It was the first Palm Sunday. Here came Jesus, riding into Jerusalem on an ass.

Great crowds began to shout, "Hosanna! Hosanna!" Some threw down their coats on the road. Others spread out palm branches.

The ass perked up his ears. "Well" he said, switching a fly off a mange patch. "I had no idea they thought so well of me!"

Get the point? If anyone comes to you after you have sung a song, preached a sermon, or done some kind of noble deed, and says, "Wow! That was terrific!" They're not actually saying Hosanna to you.

You're just the ass who carried Jesus.

- Unknown

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