Sunday, January 4, 2009

The year in review...

I like to take time and recap the year - and what a year it has been!!

January - Jason moved to Dayton (moved in with a friend of ours) and his two year-old cats moved in with me. He started his first job in Dayton, which required him to work 2nd and 3rd shifts. We also started attending the Dayton campus on North Main. (We haven't been at a full service at the Beavercreek campus since.) Of course there was the wedding planning. I had my personal shower (shopping at the Dayton mall) and bachelorette party (karaoke), which was more fun than I could ever imagine!

February - Jason and I had a wedding shower at his church back in Olive Hill, KY and then one with work friends. The following weekend Jason had his bachelor party at Dave & Busters. (Where the imfamous "Hairy Parrot" drink was created.) While preparing for the wedding at the end of the month, I had crazy stuff going on at work. We were getting ready to launch our new software and I was catching a lot of grief from those who didn't want to change software. Like I needed more stress. The last day of the month was the best... our wedding day. :)

March - We headed on our honeymoon to Gatlinburg, TN. Of course it wasn't the most beautiful time to go, but we loved our little cabin with a hot tub and fireplace. It was a short (4 day) honeymoon, but it was great to destress for awhile. Then back to reality and jobs in transition. We spent Easter in Kentucky with Jason's family.

April - I went on a women's retreat with our church and met some great ladies that I've gotten to be great friends with. We also attended a totally gnarly 80's party hosted by friends from church. Jason quit his job (gave 2 weeks notice) and within a week he had a new job. This was such a leap of faith (we both agreed he needed to get out of there) and an answer to prayer with getting his new job - a M-F, 8-4:30 job. My job got a lot more stressful with the official launch of our new software. I loved the new software and the procedure changes, while most everyone else resisted it and fought with me every step of the way.

May - We finally got settled into a regular routine. Both of our jobs got a lot easier and we were gearing up for Honduras. By the middle of May we had 3/4 of the money we needed. We wandered around downtown Dayton for Urban Nights and got the city experience. (As much as Dayton can offer.) Memorial Day weekend we stayed at the cabin in Kentucky. One evening we went to a drive-in (saw the Indiana Jones movie) and I experience movie-theater seating in our car! (The rows of cars were at different levels - you can do that when you have hills in the area.)

June - We got a hot tub! Well, technically it's called a spa. We got my dad's old hot tub. It's about 17 years old, but the heater and other parts are much newer. We absolutely loved hanging out in the hot tub. No phones, no TV's, no interruptions. Just sitting and relaxing and remembering how good life is. We had some cook-outs, went to a dance recital, and Jason got on stage with Sarah Kelly! (Because he loves his wife more than any other guy that was there!)

July - Middle of summer and the best adventures so far! We went camping (in the rain) for the 4th of July weekend. Our first of several camping trips. We also went to see Jimmy Buffet a few days before my birthday. I am now a parrothead like my husband. :) We also attended the Celtic Festival in Dayton.

August - Went on a riverboat cruise with my law firm. I love riverboat rides. And a week later we were in Honduras!! Our first trip together my 3rd time going and definitely the best trip - yet. Labor day weekend we went camping with friends and this time had much better weather.

September - the first time a hurricane hit Ohio! Hurricane Ike joined with a weather system from the plains and wiped out electricity in most of the area. Like most of our neighbors, we were without power for 6 days. Thankfully we have a gas water heater and gas stove. We lost everything in the fridge, but it probably needed to be thrown out anyway. We got into a habit of popping corn (the old fashioned way), lighting candles watching movies on my laptop in bed. We've tried to continue doing this every week or two. We also discovered Friday night karaoke at the tavern around the corner from our house. (We've been back at least once a month to liven up the place.)

October - Jason got a promotion at work. I took Eme (Melissa's daughter) to see the Philhar-monster and we both had a great time! I decorated my pumpkin to look like a Cinderella pumpkin. Jason and I did the 50's thing for the church's Funfest. I did face painting for the first time and wasn't too bad, and Jason worked on the grill for several hours. And after seeing Turnadot at the Schuster, 3 of the principal opera singers joined us for karaoke.

November - At the beginning of the month, we had visitors from New Orleans, Osman & Sarah Velasquez. Osman is the son of Pastor Roberto from Honduras. The weekend before Thanksgiving we celebrated with Jason's family in Kentucky. We then flew to Florida to do Thanksgiving with Mom and Gary.

December - This month was filled with Christmas parties with new and old friends. We went to see the Nutcracker at the Schuster (next time we're getting box seats). And then we got to serve at the big Christmas party downtown the weekend before Christmas. I did face painting again (I'm getting better at it) and Jason served food to several tables. I sang for the first time on the worship team at the Dayton campus (and will continue once a month). And then we had our first (married) Christmas together. We went to Dad and Claire's house Christmas day and then to Jason's parent's house the day after Christmas.

What an incredible year full of so many changes. Oddly enough, things we were expecting to happen in 2008, didn't. (Selling Jason's cabin, getting pregnant) And yet there were so many exciting unexpected things that did happen. We're starting off 2009 with few expectations and ready for just about anything.

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