Thursday, January 20, 2011

Church Music (David Crowder Band)

Music is such an emotional thing to me. Last year was a particularly difficult year with a lot of disappointment and questioning if God even cared about me anymore. (If you missed it, this blog sums up last year.)

Last summer I discovered an album by the David Crowder Band. I've never bought any of their music but when I saw their album on sale on itunes, I decided to get "Church Music." NOT the "church music" I was expecting at all! (My church plays pretty cool music, but this was way better.) As much as I loved the kind of music it is, the words spoke to my heart just when I needed them the most. 

I wanted to put this down somewhere, the lyrics that spoke to me, my impression of the music, and how it affected me (this will be in italics). So I'm blogging this. I hope one of these songs jumps out at you and gets you through whatever difficult situation or decision you're going through. 

I also want to mention that each of these songs goes right into the next song, so it just doesn't sound right listening to this on shuffle. Oh, and some of these songs have an awesome dance beat, the rest are definitely not your mother's church music. ;) I didn't include all songs on the album, nor did I type up all the lyrics from all the songs below. Click on the title for the song on youtube. 


Life is full of light and shadow
All the joy and all the sorrow (all the sorrow)

Yet will he bring dark to light
Yet will he bring day from night

When shadows fall on us, we will not fear we will remember
When darkness falls on us, we will not fear we will remember
When all seems lost, when we fall and we're tossed
We remember the cost
We rest in the shadow of the cross

(I've felt like I've been living in shadows for awhile and I need to realize that the light is there, that there is joy after sorrow. The acoustic version of this song is awesome - especially if you're wearing headphones.)

Bring us love you who are love
Bring us peace you who are peace

We need love, oh divine love
We need your peace, your merciful peace
How gracefully you come along

Glory, glory, glory
God is near to each one of us
Holy, holy, holy
God is near to each one of us

Grant us reprieve from the fighting so we
Could just rest our heads on the shoulder 
Of the one we're at odds with
Forever grateful for the contact
We're so glad for a moment's rest
Weeping knowing we have been touched

 ("Bring us peace, you who are peace. We need love, divine love." This is what my heart needs the most. "We're so glad for a moment's rest - weeping knowing we have been touched." How I need to be touched.)


Send me a sign, a hint a whisper
Throw me a line, cause I am listening

Come break the quiet
breathe your awakening
bring me to life
because I am fading
surround me with the rush of angels wings

Shine your light so I can see you
Pull me up I need to be near you
Hold me I need to feel loved
Can you overcome this heart that's overcome

You sent a sign, a hint a whisper
Human divine
Heaven is listening
Death laid love quiet
Yet in the night a stirring
All around a rush of angels

Shine your light so the world can see it
Lift it up 'cause the whole world needs it
Love has come what joy to hear it
He has overcome, he has overcome

(Warning - the video is sad. I'm not sure you'd get sadness from this song before you saw the video, but I did. "Bring me to life 'cause I am fading." "Can you overcome this heart that's overcome." When your heart is sad, this song means so much more.) 

The Veil

Hallelujah we rejoice
What a Savior, what a King
Hallelujah lift your voice
To our Savior, to our King

Oh please tears stay where you are made
Do not fall, do not fall
Something greater is on the way
Just hang on try to hang on
Try to hang on

(I didn't type up the whole song. That last part is the what speaks to me - "Just hang on, try to hang on." Something greater is on the way!)

Can we take in Your light so we can shine like You
with all this weariness?
Can we shine like you with this weariness?

We are loved, we are loved, it is quite enough that we are loved
If the whole world could feel love
We could love, 'cause we are loved

Take in Your light
To shine like You
Take this weariness so we can shine like You

(Once again, not all the lyrics, but just the ones that really spoke to me. There's encouragement that no matter what we're going through, we are loved, and if we could love the world in our brokenness, they would feel it too.)

My hands are searching for you
My arms are outstretched for you
I feel you on my fingertips
My tongue dances behind my lips for you
I'm alive
I'm alive

I can feel you all around me
Thickening the air I'm breathing
Holding on to what I'm feeling
Savoring this heart that's healing

My hands float up above
You whisper you love
I begin to fade into our secret place

The music makes me sway
the angels singing say
we are alone with you

And so I cry
The light is white
And I see You

(thunderstorm in background)

Take my hand I give it to You
Now You own me All I am
You said you'd never leave me
I believe you I believe

(ends with thunderstorm)

(Oh my goodness, this song speaks such intimacy with God to me. I've been there and I miss it. This song make me long for that kind of honesty and closeness with God again - to strive for it again. The thunderstorm just makes this song so much more emotional. And then this song goes right into the next song, my favorite on the album.)

He is jealous for me
Loves like a hurricane I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy
All of a sudden I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory
And I realize just how beautiful you are
And how great your affections are for me

Oh, how He loves us so
Oh, how He loves us
How He loves us so.

Yeah, he loves us, oh how he loves us!
Oh how he loves us!
Oh, how he loves

We are his portion he is our prize
Drawn to redemption by the grace in his eyes
if grace is ocean, we're all sinking
Heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss
My heart turns violently inside of my chest
I don't have time to maintain these regrets
When I think about how he loves us

(Oh my goodness how I love this song! These aren't your usual Christian cliched lyrics. They're honest and relevant, and they kinda just smack upside the head. The lyrics I love - "All of a sudden I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory" and "I don't have time to maintain these regrets when I think about how he loves us." It really puts things into perspective for me.)

Can I lie here in your arms
My only calm is you
Save me

Can I lie here in your arms
My only thought is you
Save me

Can I lie here in your arms
My happiness is you
Save me

(This isn't the last song on the album, but it's the song I'll end with. When I'm completely broken and longing for intimacy with God again, this song sums everything up again. "Can I lie here in your arms - save me.")

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