Sunday, January 2, 2011

Reasons not to blog...

I haven't blogged (other than the New Years Eve post) since October. Has nothing happened? Oh yes, much as happened, but for some reason I wasn't feeling the motivation to put it in a blog. It's not because I don't want to blog anymore (quite contrary, I want to blog more often) but I guess I have these hang-ups with blogging. So I guess in order to get over them, I'll blog about them. (Is this like handling a spider if you're trying to get over being afraid of them? Does that even work?)

1) My brain seems more focused on the negative than on the positive lately. And really who wants to hear about the negative - you've got your own stuff (crap) to deal with. You don't want to deal with mine, right? So I guess I need to change my focus and work on finding the positive, and fun, things that are going on in our lives.

2) My creativity has dried up. I think this is tied into the above reason - negativity definitely hurts my creativity. I think I need to focus on the positive AND my creativity. I've heard "if you don't use it, you lose it" and I'm not sure this is true. But I do believe that creativity is like a muscle and if you stop using it, it atrophies. And if you haven't used it for awhile, it might take quite a bit of exercising before it's flexible again. (So I'm exercising... right now in fact!)

3) Does anyone care? Well, I guess the 6 people who follow my blog care. (And thank you to those 6 people!) I guess I'm blogging to a larger audience - assuming that anyone with the internet could read this blog. But there's such a huge amount of blogs out there, why would anyone want to read mine? Well, I guess I'm hoping that my blog brings some amusement to those who read it - a quick break in a stressful day. (Which is the reason I read several blogs on a daily basis.) So I have to try and if I get more readers, great! And if not, then I guess I'll know my audience a little better.

4) I'm not very good at blogging. Wait, what makes a good blog? I guess there's the entertainment value (see above) but as far as rules for blogging I'm pretty sure there aren't any. Of course, there are some guidelines to keeping and gaining readers and I'm studying these. (

5) Really great blogs have really great photographs and I don't have really great photographs. I have a camera and I take lots of pictures, but I wish my photography skills were better. And this requires a better camera than what I have (one where I can change the aperture), and Adobe Photoshop, which I don't have and can't afford right now. So I'll just have to make the best of the amateur photos I take - for now. (Yes, I've been thinking about taking a Photoshop class at Sinclair Community College.)

So there you have it, my (lame) reasons for not blogging for the last two months. Thank you for eaves-dropping on my little pep-talk here, I think it's done the trick. If you have any thoughts, suggestions, criticisms, feel free to leave them below in the comments section. (Criticism left by anonymous people will be answered, but not taken completely serious.) ;)

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